Sunday, February 17, 2008

These are pictures I took While I was in India on B&W film. I hadn't finished the roll until last week, and I started shooting that same roll back in May. It was like a little time capsule when I opened it up and developed it. I had pictures from last weeks project, pictures of India, and pictures of my ex-girlfriend all on the same roll. That was one of the more interesting dark room experiences. I have a few other shots from India that I would like to post, but they are not printed yet. I will get to those the next time I am in the darkroom. I didn't really want to go back to India after my trip, but now I really want to go back. These pictures remind me of why I want to go back. I took these pictures in a village in the southern Indian state of Andhra Pradesh. Enjoy.


Wars And The Rumors of Wars said...

My favorite is the one with him just standing there with his arms down...I get a strong feeling from his posture and facial expression. I think black and white was a good choice for this picture...I don't think I would like it as much in color...but you didn't really have a choice so its all good!

Anita Opazo said...

I enjoyed hearing the stories behind these images (not to mention the little girl who was in awe of the white man in the van).

I'm starting to get a sense that people (their emotions and spirit) are what's important to you...or atleast the theme of your photo work. I've enjoyed seeing your work and your openness in portraying life as you know it. Looking forward to more.

Kali Ramey Martin said...

i love these pictures so much! they are so simple... the men just standing there with no expression. but yet there is so much detail and it takes me back so i love it as a memory too. I always struggle with film... these came out REALLY good! the contrast is great.

Charith Norvelle said...

i love these pictures so much! they are so simple... the men just standing there with no expression. but yet there is so much detail and it takes me back so i love it as a memory too. I always struggle with film... these came out REALLY good! the contrast is great.